We are in the midst of one heck of an awesome winter! So of course we dreamed about whitewater rafting Paola Creek to Cascadilla last night. We think it’s because every time we shovel the front steps of Glacier Guides and Montana Raft World Headquarters in West Glacier, we think about how much cerulean water will be ours to play on this spring, summer, and fall. For this week’s Throwback Thursday, we’re thinking of river time, and throwing it back to last August, and one perfect afternoon, a whitewater rafting stretch Glacier National Park from Paola Creek to Cascadilla, on the southern boundary of Glacier National Park.
Whitewater Rafting Paola Creek to Cascadilla

The Middle Fork of the Flathead originates in the heart of the Bob Marshall Wilderness, and forms Glacier National Park‘s southern border as it spills into the John F. Stevens Canyon. Float season on the Middle Fork generally runs from mid May through mid September — though with the amount of snow we’ve received this winter, we may be rafting into late fall! We’d be ok with that. Native Westslope cutthroat and bull trout call the Middle Fork home, making this stem of the Flathead fun for whitewater seekers and anglers alike.

Whitewater rafting Paola Creek to Cascadilla runs for about 12 river miles, or 3 hours-ish, and includes some festive Class II and III whitewater. With an experienced guide on the sticks, this section of whitewater is fun for the whole family, especially in mid to late summer! Take it from our 90 plus guides, many of whom are parents: kids love whitewater rafting Glacier National Park.

P.S. Parents do, too. The views into the Great Bear Wilderness and Glacier National Park are nothing less than stunning.

Yep, shoveling snow is not all bad when you know you’ll get to float on it in the months to come. Keep it up, Winter!
Throwback Thursday Party Favor
Want to find out what whitewater rafting Paola Creek to Cascadilla on the southern border of Glacier National Park is all about? Get in touch! This week’s #celebrating35yearsofGlacieradventures party favor is 10% off any 1/2 day whitewater rafting Glacier National Park trip when booked with any other Glacier Guides and Montana Raft adventure. See you on the river!