Glacier Guides and Montana Raft

How to Grow a Garden in Glacier National Park

Water. Sunlight. Good dirt. A little fertilizer. A few hardy seeds. That’s how to grow any garden, including our 35 year old garden in Glacier National Park.

What the heck are we talking about?

Remember last Thursday’s #35yearsofglacieradventures kickoff?

Well, it’s Throwback Thursday again, and today we’re looking back at our founder’s Summer 1976 job in Glacier National Park: Head Gardener at Lake McDonald Lodge. Yep, before he grew Glacier Guides and Montana Raft, Randy Gayner grew a flower garden in Glacier National Park.

How to Grow a Garden in Glacier National Park

how to grow a garden in glacier national park

In 2009, the Hungry Horse News ran a feature on a Lake McDonald Lodge employee reunion. And so we found out what was happening before Glacier Guides and Montana Raft was even a twinkle in our Randy’s eye.

The Highlights:

“Being the head gardener was a pretty good gig. You were your own boss and the women liked you because you were always giving them flowers. Nevermind that he had absolutely no experience in gardening before he arrived.”

“His pride and joy was a red, white, and blue patch of petunias planted like the flag in commemoration of the country’s bicentennial.”

Today, Randy’s pride and joy, besides his family of course, is Glacier Guides and Montana Raft. The tiny seed he and two partners planted in 1983 has matured into very beautiful and established landscaping in West Glacier, Montana. Blood, sweat, tears, a lot of laughter, and even larger amount of good people — guests and guides — have made this garden in Glacier National Park grow.

This week’s Party Favor: you can celebrate our 35th birthday by taking $200 off our famous Smith River trip! Whether you’re fishing with your squad or floating with your family, we’re cooking you delicious meals, hauling your gear, and keeping you safe. Just book by March 1 – or before it sells out! Room for 8 guests. Email for details!

#35yearsofglacieradventures #happybirthdayglacierguidesandmontanaraft

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