We rented two e-bikes and were super happy with the experience! This outfitters location is great for picking up bikes bc there is a bike path that leads all the way back into West Glacier so you don’t have to transport your bikes by car or ride on the road to get into the park to start biking. We left our rental car in the lot all day and headed out directly from the bike lot to get our day started. Checking out the bikes and returning them was super easy and quick – we had made reservations on line which I highly recommend to ensure you get an e-bike if you want one and to ensure you get one that is the right size – very important especially if you’re short like me (5’2″) cause these bikes are a bit heavy and even the smallest size is still pretty big. No issues with the bike quality and e-biking the going to the sun road was SO much fun and doable for anybody whose ridden a bike before – you def don’t have to be a bike pro to have a good time.